All posts by sym_louarn

November 4th 2016


On November 4th 2016, Dr Le Louarn will deliver a practical and theoretical course on body contouring surgery for the Foundation Sanvenero Rosselli in Milan.

The foundation was created by Riccardo Mazzola distinguished Milanese plastic surgeon, in honor of his uncle Gustavo Sanvenero Rosselli, plastic surgeon born in Savone 1897 and deceased in Milan in 1974.  Great plastic surgeon, bibliophile and collector of rare books in Plastic Surgery, Gustavo Sanvenero Rosselli was a Renaissance man, very talented with great cultural mind. He can rightly be considered the founder of the Italian Plastic Surgery in 1929.

In accordance with the foundation’s tradition, the course includes a life surgery demonstration. A life surgery demonstration of Brachioplasty is thus performed by Claude Le Louarn and transmitted directly to the audience.

Thereafter, Claude Le Louarn teaches theorically and practically on brachioplasty, inner thigh lift (horizontal and vertical), anatomy of the lymphatics in the abdominal region, abdominoplasty, buttock lift, fat grafting in body contouring, and finally the results and complications of body contouring surgery.

The course objective is to detail the key principles of body surgery and how to respect them in each of the above mentioned surgeries: epinephrine injection to minimize peroperative blood loss, minimizing the extend of dissection with the help of adapted liposuction to protect the vessels, respect of the lymphatic trunks, closure of any dead space, allocation of tensions to prevent necrosis, closing and adapted sutures

23rd Congress of ISAPS , Kyoto October 25th, 2016



On October 25th, 2016, Docteur Le Louarn did presented the Hyo-Neck Lift to the most renowned specialists of facelift during the 23rd Congress of ISAPS (International Society of Plastic Surgery).

He had the pleasure to talk in the same session than Brian Mendelson an outstanding australian surgeon, recognized worldwide for his knowledge in anatomy and the very famous Malcom Paul international facelift star. Claude Le Louarn’s presentation did not fail to fascinated his colleagues who seek to provide optimum aesthetic surgical results with an emphasis on safety and incorporating state of the art surgical knowledge





13 to 15 October 2016

Docteur Le Louarn participated as a guest teacher to the 21st International  Symposium of Plastic Surgery “XXI Century” which was hold in Buenos Aires from 13 to 15 October 2016. He made 4 presentations on:

  • Facelift : a new neck anatomy and a new conception of the neck lift : the hyo neck lift. A talk which delighted an audience avid for novelty
  • Extreme cases of abdominoplasty : high superior tension technique. This reference technique enable plastic surgeons to realize classic abdominoplasties but also the most difficult cases to operate: cases with gigantic skin excess or to the contrary damaged abdomen with very little skin excess
  • Vertical lateral bodylift a crucial option : a bodylift that associates to the standard scar of the inferior bodylift (located in the belt part of a thong), a second vertical scar on the external part of the upper thigh. This technique is proposed after massive weight loss for the more important excess of skin in the saddlebag area
  • Mid face rejuvenation fill or lift ? The audience was quite impressed since many didn’t know well the possibilities of the concentric malar lift.




We are pleased to share the publication of the book « dissecting the FACELIFT » by Beyond Black Publications. This book targeted to the general public, provides a world tour of facelift techniques.

This book explores comparative technical approaches with texts and pictures of 20 surgeons choosen by the editor for their surgical leadership and not their marketing.

Le Dr Le Louarn had the pleasure to contribute on the following subjects:

Aesthetic surgery is the only psychological surgery, p 8-10,

Surgery is unique and here is why, p 11-13,

Lastly and above all : Cutting edge face lift including eyelids, concentric malar lift, long lasting neck lift and lip lift, p 152-175.

The others contributing authors elected to detail their facelift technique are in alphabetical order: Dr Alsarraf, Dr Asaria, Dr Baker, Dr Calabria, Dr Ceydeli, Dr Fernandes, Dr Garson, Dr Jacono, Dr Marten, Dr Matarasso, Dr Mendelson, Dr Mitz, Dr Muggenthaler, Dr Mentz, Dr Nassif, Dr Pfulg, Dr Ramirez, Dr Rohrich, Dr Paul. The Co-Authors of the book are: Dr Elyassina, Dr Flowers, Dr Sinno, Dr Ramanadham.

The book is available :

On the Editor website Beyond Black :

On  Amazon in kindle format and hardcover,

And on AM-Medicine: